Take Action

Do's and Don'ts

Often the reason for outdated water and plumbing systems is a lack of resources. Identifying and funding needed updates is not always easy. Below are some easy and low-cost steps that can help limit your exposure to lead.

Check if your home has a lead service line at this website: city.milwaukee.gov


  1. Use cold water less likely to dissolve lead
  2. Use a vacuum with a HEPA filter and lead removing filters for drinking water
  3. Seal chipping paint temporarily with tape or adhesive
  4. Replace old windows and doors that could create friction and lead dust
  5. Wash hands and frequently touched items, especially before eating or cooking
  6. Run faucet for a minute or two to clear out water sitting in pipes
  7. Remove and clean faucet aerators once a month
  8. Conceal bare soil with barrier such as woodchips, cement, or gravel


  1. Sweep or scrape chipping paint because it can lead to lead dust
  2. Plant Gardens near painted buildings
  3. Allow children near bare soil or leaking pipes
  4. Use tap water for drinking
  5. Keep shoes on indoors
  6. Spend time sitting on our touching bare floors

Current Steps

Milwaukee has been working to replace lead service lines since 2017. Many of these service lines connect to homes and main water systems. 12,000 service lines have been replaced in the past 6 years. The city of Milwaukee provides free lead testing for all of it's residents. Tests can be set up through the Milwaukee Helath Department at city.milwaukee.gov. Other steps that Milwaukee has taken are distribution of water filters and education campaigns. The city has provided over 70,000 water filters to residents connected to lead service lines and work to encourage peole to learn more about the dangers of lead. Documentation of and resources about hazardous lead has been a large focus for Milwaukee. Their online resources coninue to grow and work to give people information that can protect them and others from lead.

Get Involved

An easy way to help protect our community from lead exposure is speaking to your neighbors and Milwaukee residents. Sharing your knowlegde with others helps spread awareness and enables people to take proper percautionary steps. Tell others what you hope to do to protect yourself from the dangers of lead.

Because of the severity of lead exposure it is important to push for legislation that works to fund city updates, especially those regarding recontruction of city water systems. Obtaining updated city water lines is only possible if Milwaukee residents urge legislation to fix the issue. Banning together to raise awareness of lead in Milwaukee will not only help to educate our residents but our legislation as well.

Lastly, be resposible when it comes to the risks of lead. Preform aple research and determine wether you are in danger. Have your home's soil and water tested for lead. Educate yourself on your enviornment and percautionary steps you can take. City.milwaukee.gov offers ample documentation on the city's history of lead exposure. If you would like to donate or learn more visit our resources page.