

Home Environmental Health Division

The Home Environmental Health Division is dedicated to educating residents on Milwaukee’s lead problem. It serves as a contact for those who are affected and a resource to help residents prepare for and prevent lead exposure. The page features statistics on lead and information on lead hazard reduction, lead surveillance and response, healthy home practices, and drinking water safety. You can also learn about The Lead Hazard Reduction Program, that works to provide care for children affected by hazardous lead and completes lead inspection and risk assessments.

The Wisconsin Department of Health Services

The Wisconsin department of health services has extensive resources that educate the community on lead. The organization works for a lead safe Wisconsin and answers many questions that residents have about the topic. Found here are steps to keep your family and home safe and documentation of lead hazards. The website provides many resources and contacts that can help keep people safe from lead.

Lead Safe Milwaukee

Lead Safe Milwaukee is the city of Milwaukee’s organization that specifically works to educate residents on lead. The site is an easy way for people to understand the dangers of lead and learn about what they can do to help. They focus on the issues of lead in paint, lead in water, and exposure to children. The organization is promoted by The City of Milwaukee, Milwaukee Water Works, and The City of Milwaukee Health Department.


Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF)

The DWSRF funds safe drinking water infrastructure especially in places that may not be able to afford it. The program provides information and resources for the public while financing state projects to provide clean drinking water.

Wisconsin Watch

Wisconsin Watch provides the community with the latest updates on lead and water contamination. It’s vitail for our residents to be informed and aware of these issues. The organization is supported by the Joyce foundation which works to protect the Great Lakes region.

The Natural Resource Defense Council

The Natural Resource Defense Council prioritizes finding solutions for climate change and public health crisis. One of their main goals is to replace lead pipes to ensure community safety and provide people with safe drinking water.

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